
When COVID-19 hit, schools closed down in February 2020 and teachers had to resort to virtual teaching. Problem is, that about 20% of families in the Northeast Kingdom do not have access to broadband and if they do some experience slow and unreliable service. We need to make sure that broadband is brought to every household in the Northeast Kingdom. Well we’re on our way! With the merger of Central Vermont Fiber that will bring the total of towns to be served to 71 with 51 in the Northeast Kingdom. The number of miles to build out is over 3500 and will reach around 15,000 customers. Of the 51 communities that cover the Northeast Kingdom, 90% will see service available by the end of 2024. The goal is to have the entire network completed by 2028. Having broadband to all corners of the Kingdom will bring in new businesses, create new jobs that are desperately needed, allow young families to move here as their children will have access to the internet to do there school work and socialize with friends and family members. Broadband isn’t a luxury anymore, it’s a necessity.